Andrea Askowitz

Author & Teacher

A Numbers Game (in Memoir Land)

Floridian Andrea Askowitz jumps and counts her way through her anxiety over climate change, and this Atlantic hurricane season.

I pull out my jump rope and start slow with a double jump, just high enough for the rope to pass under my feet. Swing, jump, jump one. Swing, jump, jump two. Swing, jump, jump three. At 100, I raise my left pinky and start at one again. At 200, I lift my left ring finger. It’s easy to lose count.  

Before dawn, my daughter’s college, Tallahassee Community College (TCC) sent out three text messages. 1. TCC ALERT! Severe Thunderstorm Warning! 2. Tornado Warning! 3. TCC ALERT, TCC ALERT, TCC ALERT!

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