Hello anyone who reads my blog. I want to ask you for a special favor. I’m the host of a really cool fundraiser for an organization that is close to my heart–Lauren’s Light. Lauren’s Light was founded in 2002 after the death of one of my best friends, Lauren Feinswog Millin. Lauren died of cancer at 33. She had two small children.
Now Lauren’s Light gives support to families with small children, in which a parent has cancer.
On October 8, 2009, Lauren’s Light is having its annual benefit–Lighten Up–and I am the host. Lighten Up is a night of comedy at the Miami Improv. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Come and laugh and if you can’t make it because you don’t live near Miami, PLEASE click and make a donation today. THANK YOU!
Click on the invite below to make it bigger.